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/- Tekran 2700
Analizator rtęci metylowej Tekran model 2700.
Detection Limit Determination for Tekran 2700
The new Tekran 2700 Methyl Mercury Auto-Analyzer continues to exceed the performance specifications it was designed to meet.
We have established that the unit is capable of sample runs times below 8 minutes. With our all new electronics platform and
advanced optics, we have reached even lower sensitivity levels. Using the EPA 40 CFR 136 protocol, we have determined the
method detection limit (MDL) for the Tekran 2700 to be 0.004 ng/Liter (ppt). The figure below is an example of a low-concentration
MMHg peak detected by the Tekran 2700 during the MDL study. The Tek-MDS2 software is used to identify, integrate and report
the peak resulting from a 0.02 ng/L MMHg MDL standart.